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Life can be a bumpy road!


Have you travelled a bumpy road? full of potholes, cracks and bumps that make you swerve and brake! It takes all your focus to avoid crashing or getting a puncture! Did you find that it unsettled you? By the time you got to your destination you were exhausted, agitated and telling everyone about your rotten journey. Then there is that 'other road'... the one recently resurfaced which is smooth. The car glides over the tarmac, quietly and smoothly. You enjoy the drive, noticing the sunshine and the trees. You arrive... calm, smiling and have enjoyed the journey. We can all choose the 'other road'. The resurfaced smooth road that makes Life easier to navigate and helps us to be happy.

Breathe and glide through Life... Beep! Beep!


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Rob Bunting

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Rob Bunting . Psychotherapist

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